Welcome To My Life
Groton , CT, give me a hoorah. I can think of 13 better places than here, but I am having fun, so i guess there is no real complaining. The sub I am on here is way small, but i guess you can't call it small if you don't know the real size of onw, so just trust me when I say that it is small. But I wil be at one soon that is much bigger. In March I detach from the NR-1 and have a month off and then go to the USS LA Jolla. Right now that is in New Hampshire, so not much of a move. It is getting cold here. I hopethat it snows soon. I am dying to go skiing. I can't believe it is almost season again. It seemed just like yesterday I was skiing in NY, and now i hope to be back out there again. That would rock, of course I would Love to go out to Colorado and ski. Now that would be awesome. We will see what happens. Especially with that cute girl Zoe, that would make my day. If not this season, then soon. Need to get out there. So everybody try to ski this season. But don't go and kill yourselves, make me feel bad. Alright. Take care, and watch some Dawson's Creek and eat less fat.
Wow, what a cool girl. She actually got to meet the fam over labor day, which was cool. We had a hang out fest. That was fun, always good to hang with a dudical babe like Zoe. I like it, a lot actually. And on top of all that, she is smart. I think she is getting smarter everytime we talk. I can't get any with as much as I used to be able to. Or maybe that is due to the fact that she thinks she owns me now. Oh well, you probably won't get any complaints here. BONUS. But never forget the fact that she rocks. So no matter what happens or what she thinks really, is just way cool, because she is ZOE. My dearest Zoe. Kinda sucks being any from her all the time, but it makes the times that we are together that much better, so that is a plus. Probably the only one though. I am sure that all will be worth everything though. Life will be good with her, one day. One Fine Day. Zoe
The Challenge The challenge. Alright so you made it this far, but this is only the beginning, and this is going to get pretty cool, so just hang on. Alright this is how you get to the next step. I am going to give you a riddle, and the answer to that riddle plus the year that Casablanca won bestpicture @hotmail.com is how you will let me know that you are somewhat intelligent, but don't feel bad if you can't get it, we weren't all born geniuses, esp me. But email me at that address and you will get your next clue. So here is the riddle. "the maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it and the user doesn't see it. What is it?" the answer and the year please. now remember, email addresses must be exact, so it might to your benefit to try mulitple forms of your answer, that is if you answer it. Good luck to you all, hope to be talking with you in a bit.

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